As part of the activities of the Industry 4.0 Implementation Center of the CAAU, based on the results of preliminary agreements with innovative enterprises in the field of information technology, today, January 5, 2022, the first working meeting was held to discuss strategic planning and technical aspects of the pilot project “Unified Information Platform for Territorial Community Management”.
The group was attended by Serhii KOVPAK, representative of the Kotelevo Village Council, Head of the Department of Economic Development, Project Management and Investments of the Executive Committee, Oleksandr HALYCH, First Vice-Rector of the PIAU, Yurii UTKIN, Head of the Department of Information Systems and Technologies of the PIAU, Olena KOPISHYNSKA, Professor of the Department of Information Systems and Technologies, and Volodymyr MURAVLENKO, Head of the Center for Implementation of Industry 4. 0 Implementation Center of the PSPAU Volodymyr MURAVLOV, Director of KvartSoft Agro LLC Viktor Kondra, Director of Omega Development LLC Myroslav RIABII, Director of Infosvit IT Service LLC Oleg Bondarenko, Director of VAK LLC Vadym Dubov, Head of Sales Department of VUST LLC Nataliia LOMAKINA, Oleh ODARUSHCHENKO, Head of the Verification Department at Radix LLC, Leading Researcher, Petro ZUI, Project Manager of Cadastre UA, and Viktor SKRYL, Deputy Director of the Department of Agricultural Development of the Poltava Regional State Administration.

The purpose of the first meeting was to discuss the strategic directions of building the Unified Information Platform for Community Management, the distribution of areas of application of the functional components of modern information technologies that will operate in a coordinated manner as part of the UIPCM. The participants of the meeting expressed their vision of the expected results of the creation of such a platform and determined the content of the first steps to draw up a general description of the pilot project, and held multilateral discussions.
The meeting was held in a mixed online/offline format.