One of the main tasks of the “Industry 4.0 Implementation Center” of the PDAU is to carry out educational activities, training and retraining of personnel, development of skills and formation of competencies in Industry 4.0
Therefore, the “Industry 4.0 Implementation Center” of the PSAU offers a wide range of trainings and training programs where representatives of local communities, small and medium-sized businesses can obtain the necessary information and knowledge about the digitalization of production, the use of new 4.0 technologies, and thus become more competitive.
To solve this problem, the Center for Industry 4.0 Implementation of the PSAU, together with the Department of Agricultural Development of the Poltava Regional State Administration and the Poltava Regional Public Organization “Official Agricultural Advisory Service”, coordinates a calendar of events that involve the best specialists of the faculties and departments that cooperate with the Center 4.0. As part of this calendar, the specialists of the Center for Industry 4.0 Implementation of the PDAU will organize visits to the territorial communities of the Poltava region, thus introducing the best practices of digitalization.