On March 15, under the auspices of the Poltava Regional Military Administration (POVA) with the participation of the Culver Aviation company, a regional round table “Spatial planning as a tool for implementing the strategy of sustainable development in the communities of the Poltava region” was held on the basis of the Poltava State Agrarian University.
The co-organizers of the event were the Department of Agro-Industrial Development of the POVA, the Department of Economic Development, Trade and Investment Attraction of the POVA, the Poltava Regional Association of Local Self-Government Bodies and the Regional Development Agency of the Poltava Region.
It should be noted that the issue of development and well-being of local territorial communities is extremely important for strengthening the economic and social security of Ukraine, especially in the context of overcoming the destructive consequences of Russian aggression. That is why administrations at different levels should establish close cooperation and actively introduce innovative technologies in planning the development of their communities.
The event was solemnly opened by the rector of PSAU, professor Valentina Aranchiy, who noted the high level and significant importance of this round table for the entire Poltava region, and also noted that the academic staff of PSAU always fruitfully cooperates with representatives of business, volunteer associations, state institutions and territorial communities. Our specialists provide professional support and support for a wide variety of projects related to both marketing research and the implementation of IT technologies or the modernization of production facilities.
Next, the head of the Poltava District Military Administration, Dmytro Romanov, spoke, who emphasized that it is necessary to develop the agro-industrial complex of our region, and for this it is important to pay attention to strategic planning, as well as quality data collection and processing regarding the territory’s potential. In the conditions of martial law, agricultural enterprises must provide for the needs of the food industry, since the defense capability of the state depends on it.
Viktor Skryl, Deputy Director of the Department of Agro-Industrial Development of the Poltava Regional Military Administration, noted the relevance of this round table. According to him, the Department is actively promoting innovative technologies for the development of local communities, as this allows reducing the costs of agricultural production and at the same time increasing its efficiency.
Representatives of state institutions, territorial communities, journalists, scientists and educators of higher education institutions were invited to participate in the regional round table . After the opening of the event, numerous reports and presentations were heard, which helped to reveal the subject of spatial planning and the implementation of innovative technologies in local communities in various ways.
First, Serhii Kubakh, the head of the land reform area of the USAID AGRO Program, presented the achievements and prospects of this project in Ukraine. Local communities know better than the central government how to effectively manage their lands. The task of USAID AGRO is to ensure that the inhabitants of the villages can get the maximum benefit from this reform. Serhii Kurbakh noted that the priority of USAID AGRO’s work from the eastern direction is gradually shifting towards the central regions, whose communities are actively involved in land reform. Attracting investments from the private sector for the development of rural areas is a particularly important issue.
Kateryna Reznikova, an expert on community resource management, spoke next, who presented the idea of creating a comprehensive plan for the development of territories taking into account social, economic needs and an ecological component. She emphasized the need for information, technical and personnel support of local administrations. By the way, this is exactly what PSAU does, training specialists in various specialties, including managerial ones.
Next, Denys Sudyka, head of the sales department of Culver Aviation, which is engaged in the production of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and the provision of services for processing information collected through air monitoring in various areas of economic activity, presented his proposals . With the help of these technologies, it is possible to carry out remote sensing of the earth, create 3D relief maps, visual and NDVI maps of fields, as well as make operational decisions in case of emergency situations.
The importance of this cooperation was emphasized by Yuriy Utkin, the head of the Department of Information Systems and Technologies of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Economics, Management, Law and Information Technologies of the State University of Applied Sciences. His unit has long been studying and applying the experience of using modern information technologies to improve the activities of local self-government bodies. In particular, an innovative project will be implemented on the basis of the Industry 4.0 Implementation Center of PSAU, the goals of which are to promote the development of comprehensive plans for the spatial development of communities by means of modern information systems and technologies, the creation of orthophoto plans and digital terrain models using UAVs, the dissemination of information among community representatives on innovative technologies aimed at the strategic planning of territorial communities of Poltava region.
It was this pilot project that became the subject of the signing of a memorandum of cooperation between the Poltava District Military Administration, the Department of Agro-Industrial Development of the Poltava Regional Military Administration, the Poltava State Agrarian University, the Culver Aviation company, the Regional Development Agency of the Poltava Region “Office of European Integration” and the Poltava Regional Association of Local Self-Governments.
The Regional Development Agency of the Poltava Region “Office of European Integration” was presented at the event by its director Vita Klymenko.
At the end of the meeting, the first vice-rector of PSAU, Oleksandr Halych, noted that within the framework of the training of specialists in the specialty 193 Geodesy and land management, a whole set of tasks is being performed at the University, some of which were announced at the regional round table meeting. He also added that PSAU is always open to cooperation with all interested parties, and the number of its stakeholders is constantly increasing.
Other guests of the event also addressed the audience, in particular the head of the Koteliv community, Tetyana Korost, who previously headed the environmental commission of the Poltava Regional Council and knows firsthand all the difficulties and challenges facing local self-government. Her speech was complemented by representatives of the Department of Agro-Industrial Development of the Poltava Regional Military Administration, who noted that the control of the activities of territorial communities should not be perceived as an inquisition, but rather as prevention of possible risks, so local administrations should cooperate more actively both with specialized departments and with scientists of the Higher Education and Research Institute, which will only strengthen the economic potential of Poltava Oblast !
In total, about 100 participants took part in the round table.

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